Until a few months ago, I used to get near enough all of my advance copies of books and review copies off NetGalley, and while I love NetGalley and it's wide selection, it's not without it's issues, and no amount of love ever helped me come to terms with the fact that I always have to read those books on my laptop (because I refuse to buy a Kindle just for reading NetGalley reads); it's not a terrible issue, but can you imagine what reading at 3am off a 15" screen can do to your eyes? It's not kind, I can tell you that, but then Stacie revealed her secret behind physical copies..
Do not let it's name fool you, LoveReading4Kids covers a broad range of books, from really really young (I'm talking picture and activity books) to young adult and crossover adult reads, and I can honestly tell you, from the moment Stacie mentioned them to me, I've never once looked back. They're a brilliant website that keeps you up to date on all the new book information, features books from 3 years upwards with extracts for every book they feature - perfect for if you like to sample a book before reading it, they only focus on books they themselves have read, so they're not just promoting and marketing all books, they're putting books out there that they love, and want to gain more love for, and not only that, the site and company itself is founded by avid readers, all from book related backgrounds such as marketing, publishing, editing and advertising.
It's one the most honest, friendly companies I've worked with.
Alas, I haven't even gotten to the most wonderful part about LoveReading4Kids and it's sister site, LoveReading - their review opportunities. Every month or so, people on the review panel, such as Stacie and I, receive emails asking if we'd like to read, and review specific upcoming titles, not only for them to feature, but to send to the publishers to be used as part of their marketing scheme. There's something much more rewarding about about receiving books to review and knowing that you're not just getting a free book, but that your views, your thoughts and your opinion is not only an important part of the marketing towards that book, but that you essentially become part of the team. Even now, when I see books in store that I've had the pleasure of reading first, there's a special feeling that runs through me, that I've helped get that book were it is, that my name might or might not be in that book, that I'm one of that people that will put that book in places, it's a wonderful feeling, and makes the program all the more worthwhile.
You can become a member of the review panel too!
There's not an awful lot of hoop jumping to actually go through when it comes to becoming a member of the panel, in fact, it's really easy, really quick, and really exciting at the same time. I would like to the point out again though that this is only available for UK and Ireland residents, so please, if you're you're international in anyway, don't apply because you'll be rejected, and nobody likes being rejected..
First, you go to the contact page and enter all the usual details such as name (I'd advise full name or name you use when blogging or reviewing) and email address, and make sure it's an active email addresss that you check regularly, because opportunities only stay open for short periods of time. Then, when it comes to 'subject', be sure to enter 'Become Review Panel Member' so that the email gets forwarded to the right people and doesn't get lost in space. When it comes to your message, you can really just cut to the chase and say whatever you want to say, but when I applied, I mentioned that Stacie (but you can mention either of us if you like) had mentioned their review panel opportunities and I'd seen what brilliant books they were promoting and said that I wished to be a part of that and help them if it were possible. I mentioned my blog and a little about my statistics and following (mainly the average no. of views per review and Twitter and Bloglovin' followers) and at that point, left it in their hands.
A few days later, I received an email telling me that I had to provide a few more details and then I'd be part of the team. I stress, this is nothing to be worried about and is all part of the process, the only details I really had to provide where my blog name and link, or where I wad going to be reviewing the books I received (Goodreads and Leafmarks are perfectly fine options too), my age (so they have a good idea which books to offer when asking whether you're interested) and my address. Please make sure you provide all the information they ask for on the return email, if there's any information missing, they may not let you know and you could be sitting there waiting like a loon. Some people might also be concerning when it comes to handing out home addresses, but they ask because they forward your information to the publishers when you request a book so as to cut out the middleman sort of speak. Addresses are never handed out willy nilly, are always safe and secure with Lovereading4kids and are only ever used when given to the publishers. Usually after a few more day, you'll receive an email to say you're in, you're a part of the team, and then, it only gets better.
I've received some amazing books for review in the I've been a member.
I've only really been a member since the beginning of this year, but in those few months, the books they've had available, the books I've requested and been sent, they've all been fantastic, and the service and program itself is fabulous. The staff behind Lovereading4kids are always professional, yet kind and appreciative of the work (because it is really work) their readers do, they are always forthcoming to answer any concerns or questions you have and are wonderful to work with. When issues crop up, they're always on hand, always focused and continue to keep their readers and those on the panel in the loop - when copies of I'll Give You The Sun by Jandy Nelson were held up due to an issue with publishing, we were made aware of the delay, we were given the information we needed, and were always kept up to date on when the books were being shipped out to us - they're simply fantastic and just don't get enough appreciation or notice whatsoever.
In fact, lots of other people feel Lovereading4kids is just brilliant, look!
"I've only been on the review panel since September after coming across Lovereading4kids while looking at other blogs, and its upsetting to think that if I didn't see it mentioned anywhere I wouldn't have known about such an amazing community right under my nose. As everyone has already said, the people who are behind it are always helpful and even though they have given you the opportunity to read some popular or unknown books, they never put pressure on you and understand that sometimes a book just isn't working for you or life got in the way of your review being submitted on time. If you are like me and read both children’s/young adults and adult fiction, Lovereading offers review panel for both and welcomes you to be on each one. They really cater for everyone, so if you are undecided then give it a go, what do you have to lose?" Stacie.
"We love Lovereading4kids because they put books in front of us we wouldn't otherwise have read. They make us more adventurous readers!" - Emily Jacques
"It’s really exciting to read and review new books, thrilling to see my reviews online and I love finding the final published copies on sale." - Sam Harper
"This company is amazing; not only is it is a great opportunity to get books and review them but everyone is so friendly and supportive!" - Jemma Rubens
"I love all the books they recommend and put up for me to review. I also love the fact that they give new authors the chance to share their books." - Daisy Pennock
"I think Lovereading4kids is an amazing company because of the friendly staff and the fabulous chance to read great books before publication." - Adam Graham
"Lovereading4kids is great, we get books really early never late. We love to read and review, and think you would like it too. The excitement never stops because then we see them in the shops! In the library we search to and fro for the books we know.. Is our review inside? The website is like a library for buying new books, you can have many looks, you can try before you buy. THATS WHY I LOVE LOVEREADING4KIDS!" - Jasmine Harris
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