Thursday 19 February 2015

Book Review - My Heart and Other Black Holes

My Heart and Other Black Holes
Author: Jasmine Warga
Genres: Contemporary | Young Adult
Release Date: February 19th 2015
Publishers: Hodder & Stoughton
No. Pages: 320
Source: Review Copy - Hodder & Stoughton
Buy From: Amazon | Book Depository | Waterstones
Aysel and Roman are practically strangers, but they've been drawn into an unthinkable partnership. In a month's time, they plan to commit suicide - together.

Aysel knows why she wants to die: being the daughter of a murderer doesn't equal normal, well-adjusted teenager. But she can't figure out why handsome, popular Roman wants to end it all.. and why he's even more determined than she is.

With the deadline getting closer, something starts to grow between Aysel and Roman - a feeling she never thought she would experience. It seems there might be something to live for, after all - but is Aysel in so deep she can't turn back?

It's hard to believe that it was only a few weeks between reading about My Heart and Other Black Holes and being given the opportunity to read and review it early, though this review has been written in advanced, I read the book in December. (and I can imagine I'm still feeling warm and fuzzy with feelings). When I irst heard about it, someone mentioned how it had become a new favourites and upon reading the summary, I new instantly that I wanted to get my hands on it at some point. The thing that pulled me in the most wasn't the thought of a suicide pact, like I can I only assume it was for others, but it was because the thought of Roman, a popular boy with a seemingly perfect life wanting to end it all, intrigued me. Now I don't mean that in a bad way, I was dying to find out why he felt like he couldn't go on from the beginning.

At first glance you might be expecting just another story about two teenagers who are a little bit sad and decided that suicide was the best option. If you are like me than in the first chapter you didn't really like Aysel, you thought there was a ridiculous amount of negativity (even for a book about death) and you well and truly had your judgemental wand out. But then the story moved on, slowly you started to warm to Aysel and Roman, soon there reason's for wanting to opt out begin to surface and though you may not agree with them, you can understand why life would be too hard to live. Soon you find yourself mentally begging them to change their minds and see what's in front of them.

Aysel is a a teenage girl who's dad snapped 3 years ago and ended up doing something very stupid, he is still paying for it and it seems like so is Aysel. People stay away from her, talk about her behind her back and judge her for her fathers mistakes. This would be enough to push anyone over the edge, living in the shadow of a murderer, but in truth Aysel had sadness in her life before the tragedy and it effected her father for as long as she could remember. Roman... he's popular, brilliant freakishly good at basketball, has lots of friends and a bright future, but for reason's of his own he can't be here past April 7th (I would tell you what his reason's are.. but considering you don't find out until half way through I feel like I would be spoiling it). The pair meet through a website called Smooth Passages and decide to embark on the next step together, that way no one can flake out.

Before I started this book I didn't compare it to any other, I don't think I could even if I wanted. Some people have said that the teenage love and death makes them think about The Fault In Our Stars and they are entailed to opinions, but I can not stress enough that you don't go in to this book thinking it's like such and such (if however there is another book about a suicide pact between two people that it reminds you of, let me know). The best thing about this book is how I never expected to walk away so emotional, it hits you with feelings you didn't even know you had.

Though I know a lot of people aren't going to feel the same, I consumed this book in about 6 hours in total it only left my hands when I was going to sleep and I for one think it's a fantastic book. The characters were relatable and honest, the back story was just enough to help you understand their choices and what life was like before the depression, but not too much to pull you away from the present, it all just flowed perfectly.

And now we've come to the end of the review (or fangirling) and I know there is one question on everyone's lips, did or didn't they do it? and I'm sorry if you have read it all and thought I would tell you because that would just be stupid and wrong of me to spoil it for so many others, but the book is about so much more than death. It's about acceptance, friends, family and new things. I really do hope everyone enjoys it as much as I do because not only is it a debut novel but its something sadly the author loosely had experience with. I can't wait to read more from Warga.


  1. I haven't read any reviews for this one yet, but it is on my TBR. I thought the synopsis sounded okay, but I wasn't all that excited for it. However, after reading your wonderful review, Stacie - this definitely sounds right up my alley. I'm looking forward to reading this one soon. :)

    1. You really should read it Ebony, you might not end up thinking its the bet thing since sliced bread but I honestly think you will enjoy it :)

  2. I've actually heard some mixed reviews for this. i think this book seems really dependant on whether you like Aysel or not. I actually think I'll really love the developed personalities and how much it'll make me feel.

    Such a great review, girl <3

    1. its hard to say, because the book is set just from her POV I guess you could say its dependant on if you like her. But like I said, I started off not to sure about her character and loved her by the end

      Thank you :)

  3. Oooooh yes! I'm so happy to see a simply glowing review of this book. I can't wait to read it now! I love what you said about it being so much more than death, that's the sign of a really skilled author. And I'm super excited to get to know these realistic, honest characters you speak of so highly! Lovely review, thanks for sharing. :) I'm a new reader btw, your blog is GORGEOUS. xx -Riya

    1. haha thank you Riya, I hope you like it as much as I did now.

      I agree, it is a sign of skilled author and her writing just flows really nicely.

      Aww thank you, I can't take the credit for the design as that;s all thanks to my co-blogger Amanda :)

  4. Your review is absolutely wonderful! I had been anticipating this book before but after reading your review, I might be making it into a priority. It sounds so incredible!

    Amazing review!

    1. Aww thank you, that's really lovely of you. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did :)

  5. Brilliant review! I AM NO DESPERATE FOR THIS! I'd been contemplating it for while, but now you've made me want it so badly. It's giving me All the Bright Places feels for some reason. Lets hope it doesn't break me in the same way.

    1. GET IT!!. You wont regret it :P. Although as good as the book is I would say not to go into it thinking its going to be like All the Bright Places, although I loved this book ATBP is just in a different league to it.

  6. This definitely looks like a heart-wrencher! Between I Was Here, All The Bright Places and The Last Time We Say Goodbye, plus this new release - this year is sure going to be full of some really emotional YA. I'm definitely putting this book on my TBR, thanks for the brilliant review Stacie :)

    1. Its a brilliant book, but its still that little bit different to Al The Bright Places, which just happens to be one of the most emotional books I think I've read sign The Fault In Out Stars in all honesty. Though I haven't read The Last Time We Say Goodbye (DYING TO), All The Bright Places it better than My Heart and Other Black Holes and I Was Here.


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