A few weeks ago I said goodbye to a series and really, it was the first goodbye that has hit my in a way I never really expected it too. Granted, I've finished other series before this one, I'd finished Trilogies and Duologies and yes, it was a little sad to see that chapter close and to think that there would never be another book with those characters, but the most recent series really created so many more emotions than those others could have ever have imagined and it's got me thinking about how hard it is to say goodbye - especially to long series when you've been with those characters through everything, when you've been in their mind and through their pain and when you've become attached to them that they almost feel like real friends. How do you learn to let go of these of these series and what exactly are the steps to go from mourning to remembering?
If you haven't guessed by now, the series is Skulduggery Pleasant and in comparison to some readers, I have it easy. Some fans have been there from that start, all the way back in 2007, when the first book was published and I can't imagine what those fans are going through right now, but throughout all of the fanfiction, the artwork, the meetups, the genuine love for this series, all of us feel the same about it and it's hard to let go. I may have only been introduced to the series this year, but reading books #1 to #8 in two months and then the #9 a few weeks ago really has impacted my life so much more than I could have imagined. It's like, becoming friends with somebody and spending every day, every week, together, doing things, becoming attached, sharing your secrets and your emotions with them and having them move away and never come back, never speak to you again, taking all of your secrets, all of your fond memories away and it's really quite heartbreaking. I can't claim to be a super fan, because I'm not, the ending of this series hurts the same just as much as others, and while I may be close to the end, finishing my mourning, there are other people out there who are still not over a particular series, so lets have a chat about the steps to surviving a series break-up.
Step One: The Heartbreak
Step One is usually the area where you suffer the Book Hangover, which means you either don't want to read any other books, you physically can't read other books, or the other books you do read just don't compare to the awesome that was the series you've finished. Nothing is good enough, nothing seems on the same level, you're feelings are destroyed and you don't want to do anything other than wallow. In the end, no other book compares, so why bother?
Step Two: The Obsessing
I can confirm that this is an entire different step to step one and it can also be the longest step to recovery. You seek out every fanfiction so it doesn't have to end. You search for all the fan-made images and stories that continue the series with love and adoration and every time you find something, you need more, it's like a drug, you can't let the series go. It lives on in the fans, the fans keep the light lit, you can live off all of the fan work and the videos and the author interviews and the authors blog and you will never forget the series. You will find everything and you will do everything and nothing will ever stop the series from ending. You will never stop..
Step Three: The Admission
There's nothing else out there, you've read it all, admired it all, done it all, and now there's nothing left. You can't keep the obsession going, there's more to life and now you're realising that and you hate it, but it's true. It's over, it's finished. The author is writing a new series, the fans are dispersing, the books are becoming cheaper and cheaper now there's less people obsessing. You've got to start letting go, you've got to carry on living, and you start to eye up new reads to move on with. Maybe trying another book isn't that bad after all..
Step Four: The Guilt
That book you tried to move on with, it was actually pretty good. It doesn't compare but you enjoyed it, and you shouldn't have, you're still not over the other series, are you? Can you really start to love another after everything you've been through with those other characters? Can you really start to think about another chapter in your life without them? Maybe I can, maybe if I read a few more books, I'll feel less guilty? I'll never stop loving that series, but there is more to live than mopping, right?
Step Five: The Memories
This is the step I'm at now. You start to remember and recall all of the little things that made that series wonderful, down to the one liners and you get a little smile across your face. Man, he was hilarious, or damn that scene killed me and you don't feel a loss anymore, it's like living your life and being old and looking back and thinking, 'yeah, that series was fantastic, and I will always remember that series, but the old kicker still got life left in it and I should use that life'. You'll never forget and you'll always love, but there's more now, and you can see that just because somethings over, doesn't mean you have to forget it.
Step Six: The Peace
You'll never get anything more from that series, but that series is forever in your heart.
You won't forget it, discard it, lose it or fall out of love with it, it's yours forever.
It's time to let that series go, to love but leave, and find new love elsewhere.
In fact, I think I might even be at peace now, but generally, you never really let go of a series that means a lot to you, it stays with you and you don't really ever say your final farewell, especially if you own the series. I personally only own the final Skulduggery Pleasant novel and in a way, that's enough for me, because it's the most important of the novels, it's the signature, it's the finale, it's where my characters are laid to rest, and I'll miss them, but the world is full of new and exciting series that I can't not read because another is over. There's so much more out there for me to read, and I'll find another series one day I feel the same away about, but right now, Skulduggery has a place in my heart and it's not leaving any time soon..
I must praise you for encapsulating this journey. You're on the dot with these steps. I often get stuck on Step Two the longest. I'll scour the ends of the internet for the best, most quality fanfiction there is, consume it and then return to my state of despondency. I think HP remains the hardest thing that I've ever had to let go. But I still return to step 2 every once in a while--you never really let childhood go! I think it's easier for me to come to terms with now, especially since I primarily read trilogies/duologies/other -ies. If I didn't then perhaps my reading speed would halt to nonexistent LOL But I fear how I will let Mara Dyer go at the end of this year. Perhaps I never will...
ReplyDeleteFantastic post, Amanda!
I think a lot of people find it hard to let go of Harry Potter the most, but I'm pretty chilled about that series. Thank you Jess, I think this is a relating post for many at the moment with series ending lately :)
DeleteThis is how I felt about the ending of the Harry Potter series. No longer the anticipation of waiting for another installment, no longer the mystery what was going to happen to the characters you fell in love with.. That is one series that played a huge part in my love for reading and it still is important to me. I like to reread it every now and then to return to that feeling. I've had a couple of other series that made me feel the same, but not as intense. I now have a couple of ongoing series that make me feel very excited and I know it's going to hard when they finish too.
ReplyDeleteIt's so hard to let go of series and lots struggle to let go of Harry Potter, but it's the newer series that we struggle with too, some of them are just really difficult to let go of and it's hard. I hope they're not too hard to let go of :)
DeleteIt's always hard to say goodbye to a series, especially after you've become so attached to the character when you've been with them on their journey through the books. Harry Potter was hard to leave, but also the Matched series by Ally Condie and The Rosie Black Chronicles by Lara Morgan. I'll never forget them, and I know they're there if I ever want to re-read which is comforting!
ReplyDeleteEugenia @ Genie In A Book
It's so difficult isn't it? Aww, one day we will be able to get over them better than we do, one day! :)
DeleteSo far the only series I really felt heartbroken over was Harry Potter. That last chapter just broke of pieces of my heart. For that reason I am still dedicated to reading the fanfic about James Potter. Hopefully that will give me so more memories to last me through the years. And I love to re-read the books, maybe one day reading it to my children so that they will share my love for Harry Potter. Then Harry Potter will truly remain a part of my life.
ReplyDeleteA lot of people struggle saying bye to Potter, but I think I've done okay. I think it's wonderful that you want to spread the joy you had with it future generations :)
DeleteI know exactly what you mean...but before reading the last book in a series, I have this argument with myself.."read it slow, make it last, enjoy every single moment"....but that quickly changes to "this is good, I should just read one more chapter....one more won't hurt anyone"...and then I go through the process you listed above. LOVE this post!
I always think I'll savour the book and then I speed through it, so bad of me. Thank you though Lisa! :)
DeleteOh maaaan this post! I find it so had to let go of a series. Pretty much ANY series. Lord Of The Rings, The Hobbit, Vampire Academy, The Mediator, Fruits Basket and Immortal Rain I remember being particularly painful. I was like "What do i do with my life now?" Hahaha.
ReplyDeleteYeah. I empathise with this.
It's difficult right? You just don't want to let go, it's hard.. I'm glad I'm not alone! :)
DeleteOh dear me. This whole post was BANG ON. I feel like it can be transferable to many things - deaths, break ups, lost loves, etc. too. But for books, it couldn't have been truer. There are only certain series I've felt this way for, namely Harry Potter (duh), and believe me - I'm still stuck on Step #3 haha. I just can't let the series go. The amount of times I obsess over it on Tumblr and Buzzfeed and spark conversations about it...I will just not quit.
ReplyDeleteGreat post!
It really is isn't it, it's hard to let go of things, people, characters and books. Sometimes, it's good to have a little holding on, makes it more special I think. Thank you hunny :)
DeleteHAHA! I LOVE THIS POST! LOVE IT! I struggle so much to say goodbye to series, especially my favourites. I mostly just stay in denial for as long as physically possible. Harry Potter is the hardest series I have had to let go of, I don't think I have yet. I think it's probably why I reread it so much. I cried so much at the last book, not just because of the sad moments and death... but because it was THE END! I've still not found peace with that one, haha.
ReplyDeleteEverybody is holding onto Harry Potter, bless you all! You'll find peace one day :)