You're probably sat there thinking to yourself 'that's a very vague title Amanda, care to elaborate there?' Why yes, yes I would, but first, I need to give you a few examples, or else there's a chance I'll lose you. Lets see.. firstly, I read Throne of Glass last year, the only thing was, I didn't own a copy, I borrowed it from the library and so eventually, after reading it, had to return it, which would leave other people in a quandary - buy a copy to add to the 'collection' when I buy the others, or not continue the series physically, consider it on an e-reader of sorts. I, did neither of these, I just continued the series with Crown of Midnight, Assassians Blade and Heir of Fire, obtaining physical copies and just left getting Throne of Glass because, what was the point, I'd already read it? Another example was when I read Dead Girls Detective Agency via my physical copy, but only read the sequel, Dead Girl Walking, via e-arc - I didn't buy a physical copy of the sequel, I actually gave my physical copy of the first installment as a gift to my sister last Christmas since it was in perfect condition. I guess the main point is:
I dislike buying/keeping books that aren't necessary!
I talked a little about this in my post about other peoples habits that I don't understand, but I still stand by not understanding why people would buy books they don't need to buy. I didn't need to buy a copy of Throne of Glass because I'd already read it, and the only person my incomplete collection would bother would be me, since I'm the only person that see's it, and I don't care, so what's the reasoning behind it? I actually gave a book away rather than buy it's sequel so I wouldn't have a book on my shelves that I'd likely never read again. Am I strange and weird, or do other people do this and feel this way too?
There's only one book I've bought after reading it as an e-arc and that's 8-Bit Christmas which I bought only very recently after reading it in 2013. I've never felt the need nor want to buy a book I've already read, especially if I'm never going to read it again, I don't see what the point would be. I buy books because it enables me to read them, because standing in the shop for 3 hours would just be really rude, and if I get to keep it, that's even better, but buying a book I've already experienced? No, that's not for me. Add that to the fact that I'm lucky when I have money to buy books, so why would I then spend it on a book I've already read? I own both Awaken and Middle Ground from the Awaken Trilogy, but will never own Still Point because I've already read an e-arc. Is that cheating? Is that fair? Am I being cruel? I don't know, I just can't justify doing that, it makes no sense to me.
Sometimes I even avoid buying a book if I know I can reserve it at the library for cheaper.. It costs £1 per book for me to reserve a book from elsewhere, I get to keep it for 3 weeks per renewal and get 5 renewals, that's 15 weeks people, I'm definitely going to have tried to read or read the book in that time and if I liked it, fantastic, and if I didn't, I've wasted half the price I would have spent on a lottery ticket, not a problem in sight, other than scenario's such as the Throne of Glass example. Man, I've even reserved and read Shadow and Bone from the library (£1) and bought Siege and Storm as a kindle book for £3.99 which is way cheaper than what it would have been to buy the first book alone, and risk not liking it. This also blends into my post about being tight with money when it comes to books, but I can't help it, it's the way I'm wired.. Am I a little bit freaky to you?
I also just find it impossible to keep hold of books I don't have to, especially books I've either read and not enjoyed, therefore never re-reading it, or books I'm just going to never read. In November last year, I actually arranged to giveaway/sell some of my books that I didn't need anymore, literally because, why would I keep them if there was no point? They were taking up room other books I wanted could take, made my shelves look cluttered and we're never going to be loved by me, it would have been a shame to keep them. I cannot help but think I'm maybe a little strange about all of this, and really, whether there's anyone else out there like me that does it too. Maybe I'm alone in this.. I just can't handle buying books I don't need to own, or keeping books I'm not in love with..
Do you buy/keep books you don't need to?
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You do make some great points, I can totally understand your point of view, I still buy the physical books that I have previously read and loved before. I only buy physical books if they're my favorites - I do re-read my favorites and in a way it's a great way to support the authors by buying their print copy. I rather have a physical copy of my favorite book because I know I'll re-read it :) <3 Benish| Feminist Reflections
ReplyDeleteThanks Benish! I don't tend to reread much, if at all, and even then, it's only really seasonal reads, so I don't need to by them, although I do end up missing them sometimes.. It makes sense for you though Benish, stick with!<3
DeleteI am a re-reader, so that means I love to buy books I've loved because I will read them at some point :) also, when I love a book I just want to own it, have it, cherish it, look at it on my shelves. I can't explain that feeling, but it makes me just insanely happy to have a copy from a book I love. It also feels great to support an author by buying their books :)
ReplyDeleteI can't definitely understand that feeling, you just want to love your books, and that's great! I agree, it feels lovely to support authors, sometimes I can't, but when I can, I do try to!<3
DeleteGreat topic - we've both done posts on getting books for as cheap as possible, and ways in which we hunt out those deals, but after reading this, I can see that there are some differences in how we approach owning books. I don't know if my explanation will help you understand book buyers more or not, but here we go:
ReplyDeleteSo, I'm not really a library user, and by "not really" I haven't set foot in my town's library in quite some time... (3 years maybe?). I have plenty of excuses as to why I haven't, but for right now, the main one is that I considered it when I started blogging, then bought ALL the books, so now I have a big TBR and no reason to visit the library just now.
The majority of the books I buy are on offer (The Works 6 for £10 deal etc.), and because I have a certain amount of disposable income I'm happy to spend on books, I tend to buy a box every quarter or so. The majority of these I've heard of, seen reviews for and know I want to read, and the odd one will be an impulse buy. I prefer owning to loaning.
If there's a book I want to try, but I can't find a deal on it, I'll try to borrow it from my library as an ebook (I did this with All The Light We Cannot See because the cheapest I could find it was £8, and I'm not risking that on a book/author I've never tried before. It worked out well, I didn't really like the book). I would do this again in the future, and unless I LOVED it, it's unlikely I would then buy the book. If I did love it, I might buy it if I come across it on offer. Even though I don't reread a lot now, I used to, and I have an inner rereader dying to get out, so I like to own my favourite books. Also, I want to build-up my own little personal library, I love the idea of it, the look of it, and I think someone's shelves say a lot about them as a person. I LOVE nosying at other people's shelves! This is also the reason why I am one of those people who has to own the whole series if I plan on keeping some of them - I collect certain authors too.
If I've read an eARC or eBook it's unlikely I'll buy the book, this has only happened once, where I wanted my own copy, because I'm a hardcopy girl all the way. The only eBooks I tend to buy are those 99p one-click deals, I refuse to pay more for an electronic book.
It's amazing to see the wide variety of spending habits, and hoarding habits, even among bloggers! I do have a problem where I get attached to books I've read and have trouble letting them go. I think the #booksfortrade hashtag going around at the minute might help me though, if I can find more UK bloggers to trade with, I would find it so much easier to let some go!! R x
That we have, I also did my post on advertising and being cheap with my books and I do think it's important to talk about these different habits really. I think the uses of libraries and kindle books are fabulous, it gives more opportunity to try books you might not have usually, and that's great! I would be fabulous if there were more #booksfortrade in the UK mind, but we can't win them all!<3
DeleteYou really make some great point. I normally buy books that I want to read not ones I've already read. There are the rare occasions that I will buy one I've read that finishes a series, but only if it's a series I plan to reread in the future. I've come to realize that I have a lot of books, many of which are not read yet, so I have a goal of weeding through them and giving away/donating the ones I know I will never get to or the ones that do not hold my interest anymore. I'm hoping to cut back on my buying and just use my library A LOT more this summer.
ReplyDeleteGreat post!
I'm trying to get through some of my books too, I definitely need to before I get more physical ones anyway! I already use my library a lot as it is, and that is always a great thing, I think at least! Good luck with your reading!<3
DeleteYou'll be proud of me... when doing my shelves I got rid of over 120+ books. Most I've donated to our fiction section as work, which was much needed. I love rereading, especially my favourite series so that's why I love owning them. I literally just got a delivery of hardback copies of all Sarah J Maas books.... even though I own them all in paperback. OOPS! But in my defence I am meeting her in 4 days and want them all signed. Her books are some of my absolute favourites, so I eeded to.
ReplyDeleteI'm like Mel, I love having books I love on my shelves. So I can look at them, adore them and have the ability to pick them up for a reread whenever the mood strikes me.
That's a lot of books, and it's fabulous that you gave them to work, I think that's great of you! You're crazy, buying so many of the same book, I just can't understand that myself, oops? I think I'm less bothered about admiring and more about reading now, but I can't be completely sure.. not yet!<3
DeleteThis is 100% me. With the Books for Trade hastag going on, it's interesting to see how everyone collects like, every version of a book that they can. I just don't have the space or the money for that, and they're all the exact same on the inside (besides maybe some little tweaks from ARCs) so what does it matter to me? And then if I don't like a book, or I know I'm never going to reread it, then it's just taking up space for something better. I can totally admire people with their huge collections, but I just can't do it haha.
ReplyDeleteAlso - wow! Your library! That's so odd. Ours is totally free. But we only get a book for three weeks with one possible renewal as long as no one else has it on hold, and new YA is only for two weeks with no renewals.
I WISH I was tighter with my money for books. I think I could be doing a lot worse, but I could also be doing a lot better. I think part of it is that I live in dorms so I don't have to pay rent just yet, and that makes me feel like I have SO MUCH MONEY when I need to be saving it.
EXACTLY ZOE! I just, I don't get that, it's the same book, why buy the same book, so many times.. I don't get it. Our libraries have lost A LOT of funding lately, so I understand them charging £1 for adults, I totally get it, and I think it's fair really, I've never known very different. I do think that when you realise how little money is there, you get thrifty!<3
DeleteI'm envious, Amanda. I am a book hoarder. I don't keep the books I didn't enjoy/won't ever re-read although I never re-read, period; but I like to keep the 4 & 5 star reads. It's my TBR that's the problem. It's HUGE. SO SO BIG. And I just keep buying more, even though I'm reading mostly on my Kindle these days.
ReplyDeleteI actually haven't bought any books (paperbacks) since February, which is really, really good of me! I'm trying to get my habit under control, but it's hard haha!
I think I became a small hoarder, and then 180'd and it's weird.. Not buying paperbacks since Feb is great, you should be really proud of yourself, that's great! I think I've bought around 9 this year, not sure..<3
DeleteI wouldn't say that I'm a HOARDER but at the same time, if I don't have a first book in a series, eventually, I do want it. It won't kill me if I don't have it, but it just feels a little weird. I have the fourth book in the Lux quintet but not the rest and since they changed the covers I don't think I'm EVER getting them now. But I also own Alice in Zombieland even though I read it from the library. I think I wouldn't buy ones I've read at a regular priced bookstore and I would only buy it at a cheaper place but for me, it isn't about the book, it's about the price. If I had money, I would buy all the books - even to put the library in Beauty and the Beast to shame.
ReplyDeleteI can understand wanting the entire collection, it would seem weird for some people otherwise.. I'm not sure if I had all the money I'd buy all the books, I think I'd still have this weird habit of mine. Oh well, it's great to be different!<3
DeleteThis is why I own a Kindle now :)
ReplyDeleteAh yes, always cheap, and always keep hold of, is clever!<3
DeleteI'm like you, I don't hang on to books, unless I loved it and could see myself re-reading. But even then, I sometimes hang on to books I enjoyed, even if I may not revisit them. I think it stems from getting rid of childhood books I loved and later on, wishing I'd kept them. I do buy books, but not a lot. I try to get them from my library or request them for review, but if they're books I really, really want and I can't see a way of getting it another way or be bothered, I'll buy it.
ReplyDeleteI do have a few I've enjoyed and have kept hold of, just in case I reread them, but who knows! I'm exactly the same, if I can't get it free and I desperately want it, I'll get a copy, somehow!<3
DeleteI'm tight with money buuuut I LONG to own all the books. For me it's like owning a friend, so yes, if I had all the money in the world all of the books would be miiiiine. But so far? No. No they're not. I dislike owning dodgy books, but my favourite series? Ermagerd. Love it. I actually don't own many first books though! Like I don't own Throne of Glass or Splintered...but I own the rest. I'm loathe to put money on a book I might not like. LIBRARIES ARE MY FRIENDS.
ReplyDeleteAww, bless you Cait, I feel your pain! LIBRARIES ARE SO SO GOOD!<3
ReplyDeleteMy mom always gets annoyed at me because I never buy any books, and the books I do buy are ones I've already read and loved. I mean, it may sound selfish, but I don't want to spend money on something that I'm not guaranteed to love and that I can just get for free at the library, you know?
Thank you for sharing this post! <3
I can understand you not wanting to buy books you're not sure you'll like, why possibly waste your money!
DeleteThank you Zoe, means a lot!<3
I'm the same way, but not really. See, since I'm only fifteen, I don't really have my own money. My parents don't give me allowance (because I bring my own lunch to school), so I don't have personal savings. So my parents buy my books for me. I would like to have physical books of at all the books I read, but when I already read the book as an eARC of if I borrowed it from elsewhere, I let my parents know first. If they're not okay with me getting it, then I don't. But maybe I'll ask for it for Christmas or something else, but only if I really enjoyed the book. Otherwise if I didn't like it or if there are other unread books I'd rather buy, I won't get it anymore.
ReplyDeleteLovely post, Amanda!
Thanks Aimee, it's great to know I'm not quite on my own with this crazy little habit of mine!<3
DeleteI appreciate you took the time to write this... It's an important discussion. I try to keep my physical copies to a minimum. I do like getting physical copies for giveaways and stuff so I can give them away eventually! Or Trade them...
ReplyDeleteThat's a great idea, means they get to live on in other peoples lives then too, very practical! :)
DeleteI totally get your point here! :) Though in my case, I read e-books first then if I love it, I'll try to buy a physical copy. I'm not too hard on myself when I can't buy the physical copy because I'm a college student and I still depend on my parents for money.
ReplyDeleteOwning copies of favourites is a good idea, you get to love it again. I feel your pain on depending parents for money, I do sometimes myself, and it sucks, but there's always occasions to get books as presents for :)
DeleteBefore I started blogging, the library was my hub. I'd love borrowing books, reading them quickly, returning them, and getting new ones. Since I started blogging, I think the fervor of owning/obtaining/buying books has caught on for me. I find myself reading arcs or eARCs and saying I NEED A FINISHED COPY. Sometimes I even buy books just for book signings. Then I think, why did I buy this?! I've reached that point now where I'm unloading my books on everyone else. I just gave 50 books to a Philippines relief book drive for school, another 20 went to my library. I just don't feel the need to collect books anymore unless they are my absolute favorites. Those are the only books I NEED to buy at this point. Awesome discussion!
ReplyDeleteRachel @ A Perfection Called Books
I felt the same last year, the urge to buy books and just own them was HUGE, now I'm a little more behaved. So important to remember that supporting authors is only goo if you're going to read it. Thanks Rachel!
DeleteI totally agree! I only ever buy books if I cannot borrow it from the library, usually because it just came out. As much as I love those enviable shelves some bloggers have, it is the content of the book that matters, not the casing.
ReplyDeleteI ALWAYS envy those pretty book shelves, but I'd rather own those I love, you know? Glad you agree Erin :)
DeleteI love this post! I've been thinking about this a lot lately because I feel the same way - I stopped buying books years ago! The library is my friend :D
ReplyDeleteThanks Jade! I'm been slacking with the library, it's such a shame, but I'm swamped with ARC's. Once they're done with, back to my books and the library! :D