When I was a little cherub, I loved to read; I was excited to bring home the next required book from school, and I remember finishing Homeward Bound/The Incredible Journey at the age of 8, and with the help of my Mother, I'd managed to read it in 3 months, a little bit every night. I had collections of books, actual series on my shelves, Animals in the Ark, Horrible Histories and The Walt Disney Company Books just to name a few, and I adored them; I read them over and over again until I could read no-more... I read no more.
I didn't get back into reading for pleasure until I was 17 years old and starting my AS-Levels, and as mad as it may seem, it was a series that brought me back, and it was The Infernal Devices Trilogy by Cassandra Clare. I took Clockwork Angel and Clockwork Prince off the shelves of my school library, took them home and read them, and I read them until I blew my mind, and I know for a fact that I would never have gotten to where I am now if it wasn't for that series, so you'd think my relationship with series would be a positive one wouldn't you? Well..
I have book one's on my shelves that I've read and found okay, but haven't continued on with.
I have book one's on my shelves that I've read and enjoyed, but haven't continued on with.
I have book one's on my shelves that I've read and really really liked, but haven't continued on with.
I hate myself for it, I really do, because it's kind of excusable to ditch a series if the first book didn't wow you, but what about those that did? Whats my excuse for having the books on my shelves and not reading them? I confess, I don't have one, however, I have decided that after seeing Nitzans post on her relationship with series and her fantastic collages, that I'm going to do something similar, and talk about the series I've actually finished, the series I'm in the middle of reading, series I've started and am unsure about finishing and series I hope to start this year.
Series I've Finished (or am Up to Date with)
(All links lead to Goodreads)
Harry Potter | Starcrossed | The Legion | Boy Nobody | Balefire
Unsurprisingly there's only few series I've actually finished, and that's either because I can't buy all the installments when they're released, or because I have this problem where I keep starting new series before I finish them, as you'll see in the next two sections.I have added Starcrossed here because I have skimmed the final book, but not entirely read it.
Series I'm Part Way Through
(All links lead to Goodreads)
Beautiful | Across the Universe | The Sweet Trilogy | Jessie Hearts NYC | Blood Red Road | The Infernal Devices | Dark Star
Recent Editions: Skulduggery Pleasant | The Iron Fey
Some of the books here I actually own their sequels, and others, their sequels haven't been released yet, so it half explains why I haven't continued on with them. My biggest excuse for not finishing The Infernal Devices Trilogy though? I don't want it to end, so if I don't read it, it doesn't end, right? I have since finished the companion novel that goes with Jessie Hearts NYC.
Series I've Started but May Not Finish
(All links lead to Goodreads)
Witch Finder | Sherlock, Lupin and Me | Los Angeles Nights | Castor Chronicles | Voodoo Nights
Not Featured: Finishing School | Guardian Angels | The Dark Heroine
Some of the books in this section I would love to continue with, but I don't know if I'll ever be able to; the Voodoo Nights series, Alpha Girl series and Sherlock, Lupin and Me were introduced to me via NetGalley, and they're only available in ebook format right now, so what are the chances of me continuing them eh? Others such as Variants and Angelbound, I'm really unsure of, and I actually have the sequel to Beautiful Creatures, I just don't know.
Series I Hope To Start in 2014
(All links lead to Goodreads)
Fairytale Retellings | The Diviners | Study Trilogy | Defiance | The Dark Heroine | Geek Girl | The Hunger Games | If I Stay
There's quite a few series on this list that when I created the collages, I later read, including If I Stay, The Dark Heroines and The Iron Fey, yet I still want to get some of the others, especially Pivot Point, The Diviners and the Maria V Snyder books.
Great post Amanda! These days it feels like everything is going to be part of a series and sometimes we get series fatigue. Especially if we don't know if it's going to turn out well by the end of the series. I think "series I've started" and "series I've started and may not finish" is a super long list.
ReplyDeleteJeann @ Happy Indulgence
I'm a little ashamed of my series I've started and not finished because I really do want to, there's just so many books in world! I get distracted.. and I think series fatigue really is a problem, especially trilogies. Things may change soon though.
DeleteThank you for your time and comment Jeann :)
Great post Amanda, I've been thinking about doing something similar. :) Series are great, and I have so many unfinished...I hate not finishing a series, even if I'm not enjoying, so I do try to push through them. However I don't think I'll ever be able to finish the House of Night series...they are just getting ridiculous.
ReplyDeleteThat's great! :) I hate not finishing series too, but sometimes money or my lack of enjoyment for one doesn't really push me enough. I've heard of the House of Night series and many people think it's dragging on now and don't plan to finish it, so you're not alone there Ebony. Thank you stopping by and commenting :)
DeleteI agree, although sometimes I eventually end up finishing the series years after I start it. House of Night is definitely dragging on! I think it will be the first series that I don't finish. You're absolutely welcome, I love reading your posts!
DeleteAw, why no finish Chaos Walking Trilogy? Mel is sad :(
ReplyDeleteAwesome list though! I don't think I've finished a lot of series either.
I confess, I'm one of the few people who didn't really enjoy The Knife of Never Go, I think I gave it a 3 stars and I've been wary of carrying on with in case I don't enjoy it and then feel like I've wasted my time on it :(
DeleteThank you Mel, it means a lot. There's too many series out there to finish them all!
Great post! You always have the best discussion posts :) I am usually good for finishing a series IF all the books are out. But when I have to wait months for the next book it sometimes puts me off because I know I will need to reread the other books in the series. If I didn't like the first book than I definitely don't continue. But, like you, there are quite a few that I've loved and yet I still haven't read the other books in the series. This is a really great idea though, it would show me every series I am yet to finish and might give me the kick I need to continue them.
ReplyDeleteAww thank you! :)
DeleteI think I'm getting better with series at the moment; after I did this post, I then started getting through some and deciding which ones to read and get through, but I'm still putting off Clockwork Princess.. I think we just get distracted by other series.
I really looked forward to seeing if you do a post similar :)
I'm sure we're all very glad that you got back to reading again! If not, we might not have your lovely blog to read. . . Sad thought. You have so many awesome books listed here! I haven't been that into series in awhile, so I haven't touched a lot of these, but I hope to soon. I used to read series allllll the time when I was younger.
ReplyDeleteYou're right, though. Everyone has their series. It's quite fun to see which ones people grow attached to.
Aww thank you Kelsey, you're always so lovely to me! *blushes uncontrollably*
DeleteI think some people get into series and others don't and it's just down to preferences.
I've currently grown quite attached to the Skulduggery Pleasant series; my library is my new best friend!
If you're ever looking for series recommendations, I'm always around.. :D
I vote for Pivot Point! Duh :)
ReplyDeleteSuch a good series and only two books.
I know I know, I'm getting there, I promise! :D
DeleteI'm really glad it's just a Duology, there needs to be more of them.