Thursday 18 June 2015

Google Search Tools | How Find Time Restricted Tutorials

Whenever I'm searched for tutorials, one of the first things I check is the date in which the tutorial was posted. Nobody likes searching for answers only to find that, low and behold, these answers are years old, and you've wasted half an hour looking for something that's hidden amongst fossils. That's because Google finds webpages related to your search based on SEO, not by recent date or when it was published. Did you know that you can narrow your search down to a specified time period? Perfect if you're looking for a tutorial that isn't time friendly. Here's how.

When searching for anything in Google, you have Search Tools..

Search tools can be used to narrow any type of search down to a more specified search. As you can see, the current search results are ordered in terms of best match or most related to the subject you've searched, and that's great, but we want to specify a search time in order to find time restricted blog tutorials.

Click on 'Search Tools' and an extension will appear;

You now have different options to search either by country, which would order the search results in terms of country you specify, and by time, which is the option we're focusing on today.

Click on 'Any time' to be given more options like the following:

This is where Search Tools comes to life. You can now specify any time period you would like to search within. For blog tutorials, I usually use the 'Custom Range' feature which allows you to search within a period of time, for me, that's 6 months, and if that doesn't provide results I want, I search for within a year, in order to keep myself updated as close as possible. In this example, I've chosen 'Last Month'.

Click on a time period to search. Your search results will reorder.

See how the posts have changed now you've searched within a time period? You can still change how the results are shown by choosing by relevance or date, however, I usually stick with relevance. With the internet and everything on it changing by the day, it's sometimes hard to find tutorials that are up to date, recent and actually related to what it is your searching, and this is the best way I've found to locate time restricted articles. The Search Tool's feature can be used for almost anything - it's worth taking a look and seeing it if can benefit you.

Did you know about Google Search Tools and it's features?


  1. That is such a handy trick! I never knew that existed really, but the other week I found I needed it however I couldn't figure out how to do it. I thought that it definitely must be possible, in this day and age if it wasn't it would have been pretty weird. Thanks for explaining how to do that! This is def a trick that will help me I'm sure!


    1. Oh definitely, I only stumbled upon it myself a few weeks ago and it's changed everything about the way I search for things, it's been brilliant. So pleased I could help you :)

  2. NEVER KNEW THIS. Actually, it never occurred to me to search for recent things. >_< But I totally am keeping this in mind and trying it, especially when I'm googling about twitter/author/blogger drama or something, mwahhaah. *ahem* I probably should not have admitted that, right? ;-)

    1. Tut tut Cait, but if it works, then stick with it I say ;)

  3. Oh can change the date range when you search something? Where has this knowledge been all my life? This is going to make my life so much easier when I cannot find what I am looking for when I know it was out there.

    Dreams @ Once Upon A Dream Books

    1. That you can lovely! So pleased I could help you out!

  4. oh wow, that is so helpful! Sometimes I'm looking for tutorials only to find they were for some real old version then I have to hunt around for ages to find the right one but this shall save so much time! Thanks for sharing, darls <33

    1. As do I Mel, and it's so frustrating, but this little trick should help you and I out in the future! Thank you!<3

  5. OMG I HAD NO IDEA YOU COULD SEARCH FOR THAT! This helps me so much, it will help me in my job as well! Thank you so much Amanda, what an amazing tutorial!

  6. Oh! What is all of this! This is super super helpful Amanda, thank you for showing us how AWESOME google can be. There is so much google that I feel intimidated by it.


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