Monday 5 January 2015

BBB Grand Opening: Amanda's Decision

Bookish Musing is a feature here at Beautiful Bookish Butterflies that allows one of us to share our thoughts and opinions, talk or discuss things happening in the book and blogging community or share a personal book related conversation. Today, Amanda is talking about why she decided it was time to let go of Book Badger and join forces elsewhere with Stacie, and why for her, leaving Book Badger was a difficult decision..

When I first started blogging, believe it or not, it wasn't really a concious decision and I don't think I really understood what it was I was starting. I threw together a header, put some of Goodreads reviews on what was originally YA Reads, YA Reviews, which later become Book Badger and sort of took the wheel from there. From the 10th October 2013 to December last year, Book Badger grew a huge amount - well, it sure felt that way to me, with people loyally reading my posts each day, to people telling me they loved - LOVED - my blog and what I do and it's a really wonderful feeling, but the content that gets published is only a small amount of what really goes on behind the scenes..

I think it's fair to say that many who've been blogging for a period time have realised that it's not just as easy as reading a book, reviewing it and publishing it and that there's actually a lot more involved. The time blogging takes for one, really can throw you of you're just starting out, and the actual dedication and concious effort to be active is rife, so it's no surprise that, little by little, as life gets a little more hectic or a little less stable, keeping up appearances can become difficult, daunting, or even impossible. That's where Beautiful Bookish Butterflies came in.

I confess, I don't think that BBB would exist if it wasn't for me. I mentioned in short to Charnell about the benefits of co-blogging, some of which I'll be exploring in the future, and slowly but surely, the actual idea of leaving behind my solo adventure and embarking on a new one with other people, other friends, didn't sound that daunting, but still, a little scary. Conversations took place, Stacie was brought on board, Charnell decided she wanted to keep hold of Reviews From a Bookworm and along the way, somehow, somewhere, Stacie and I have ended up here, with a beautiful new design, if I do say so myself, a new home to call our own and a new world of reading and reviewing adventures to explore together, but leaving Book Badger behind the closer it came to letting go wasn't as easy as you'd think.

While Book Badger was my own little creation and I confess to being quite a leader, it wasn't either of these things that frightened me when it came to the move. I'd been told by quite a few people that they loved my blog, that they loved Book Badger and it made me wonder whether they loved Book Badger and me, or whether they just loved the blog itself, it's design and feel. It made me nervous and twitchy and had me second guessing whether the change was for me, whether these people would follow me here and still enjoy what I do and how I do it, but honestly, I believe that making the change, leaving Book Badger behind and starting a new here with Stacie, on Beautiful Bookish Butterflies is the right decision for me.

As of today, my job hunt is taking on a whole new level - I've just started a training/work placement position for the next few months, and I'll be focusing a little more on my design work, both digitally and physically, and this all takes up time that I would have previously spent blogging and after spending almost a year posting as close as possible to once a day, the idea of posting less content or lesser quality content really didn't impress me, nor feel like an option, but now, here, having less pressure, being able to share the responsibility, being able to share the experience with not only another wonderful person in Stacie, but a friend in her, who has supported me, encouraged me, been there to support me even through none-blog related issues and kept me going when things have seemed as bad as they could get, that's more than I could ever have expected. I feel like I can do what I do online without having to sacrifice the things I love most offline.

Yes, there may still be moments where I feel overwhelmed or where I find myself unable to contribute, but having the support and friendships I do make this new chapter not only more manageable, but also more exciting and I really cannot wait to see where it takes me. To all my previous Book Badger followers, I hope you understand and appreciate why I moved and hope you'll enjoy my new home here. For new-to-me readers, I hope you come to enjoy what I bring to the table and for our new followers, I hope you enjoy what we've got in store for you.


To celebrate Beautiful Bookish Butterflies Grand Opening, I'm giving one winner the chance to win a book I think more people should read from the options below. The giveaway will be international, but you must ensure that The Book Depository ships to your country. Prize will be in paperback form and you may be able to request another book in series or by same author depending on price. These are your options:


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tell me what you think!

Have you ever considered throwing in the solo towel and starting co-blogging with anyone? Do you co-blog and if so, hows the experience been for you? Do you have any questions on how I'll be contributing to BBB and when?


  1. GARGH! I just pasted the wrong thing into the 'tweet about the giveaway' option...
    Is there any way to fix that?

    Giveaway aside, I totally get why you would start co-blogging. I only really started blogging in last June and I hadn't realised just how much time it would take to do everything.
    But I love it. I can't believe it took me so long to start.

    I loved everything about Book Badger...the design, the name, the posts...and while it will be sad to not have Book Badger any more, I am definitely looking forward to Beautiful Bookish Butterflies (I love the name).

    Oh, and if I won, I'd probably want Defiance. I've been meaning to read that for years.

    1. I don't think you can fix it.. I can make a note of it and make sure I make it count when it comes to the entries since I have your proof of tweet anyway in my mentions if that helps Cassie? I'm pleased you like the name and that you've followed me over, it's still going to be the same content, just elsewhere! Defiance was a real surprise for me, so good luck hun!

  2. I would really love Angelfall!! I want to read it so badly! :D Thanks for the giveaway and congrats on the new blog.

    1. It was my last read of 2014 and got the full 5 stars from me, so it's definitely worth a go. Thank you Fari, and you're welcome, good luck!

  3. I think that it's wonderful that you're doing what works best for you, so that you can continue to enjoy blogging. I am very excited to continue following along with you, and am very interested to see what you to do together. Congrats on the switch, the blog looks beautiful!

    I would love to win Dare Me, it looks great, and I love the cover!

    Beneath the Jacket Reviews

    1. Thank you Tiffany! It's lovely to see that people have joined me over here too. Dare Me is a very good read, surprising too, good luck!

  4. You've gotta do what's right for you and your own path in life! Looking forward to seeing what you both have to offer this year :)

    1. Thanks hun, I'm excited to see what this year brings too!

  5. I'd like to read Dare Me. An underrated book I liked was

    1. Meant to write: An underrated book I liked was The Oracle Glass

  6. I've considered co-blogging but I'm happy going solo at the moment. Organising posts does take up a lot of time though.
    Hmm I would choose Dark Star - the cover is awesome and I love anything with superheroes.
    Thanks for the giveaway and I look forward to reading your future posts :)

    Jess @A Book Addict's Bookshelves

    1. I never really struggled with organising posts, it was more of a having time elsewhere to do other things, but I see your point, going solo works if it works, don't fix something that isn't broken, eh Jess? You're welcome, and good luck with the giveaway, Dark Star is a really good read, although not completely superhero related :)

  7. I totally understand the benefits of co-blogging and I adored both you and Stacie so BBB is just the best of both worlds imo. I totally understand the stress of rl taking over though, Amanda! Back when I was in school it was more about set times and set hours and I knew where I could take time from, where I couldn't. But now that I'm working and there's time to socialise and whatnot, I find it so incredibly hard to predict when I'll have time to sit down and bring all my ideas to life. And it stresses me out like crazy but you know what? Sometimes I don't care anymore and I choose sleep because well, we need it. We need rest. I'm glad you have Stacie here and that she has you! I can't wait for even more posts from the two of you! x

    1. Aww, thank you Jess! Not having a schedule of sorts can really mess up when you post and publish things, so having each other to rely on is something I really like. Sleep though, it's important, no matter how much we like blogging, sleeping wins! I can't wait to be posting more too, once again, thank you Jess!<3

  8. I really enjoyed your blog Book Badger, but it's great that you've decided to do what works best for you! I can't wait to see what you and Stacie come up with, and the design of this space is beautiful :)

    On a side note, I love how you've included Dare Me in the underrated books section - I really love Megan Abbott's novels but hadn't come across any other blogger fans until now!

    In terms of what book I'd want to win - Defiance is one I've had my eye on for a while, and for underrated reads - Searching for Sky by Jillian Cantor was a surprising and emotional novel.

    Eugenia @ Genie In A Book

    1. Thank you Genie, I have to say, getting the design right was a big deal for me, it had to feel right and I think it does! Dare Me is the only Megan Abbott read I've tried so far, but after how good it was, she's definitely intrigued me that's for sure. Defiance is quite a good read I think, a hidden Dystopian/Fantasy novel that people don't know much about.. I heard Searching for Sky was good but lost my e-arc, might have to consider it again.. :)

  9. I was really scared to get some co-bloggers, too! I mean, my blog's like my baby, and I don't want other people touching it. But it's been great having Dyan, Marga and Zoe on board with me. Plus I co-blog with the awesome Faye and Rashika, which sort of made me a bit less scared to try co-blogging on my original blog.

    I'd love to win the second book in CJ Redwine's trilogy. :)

    Happy that you're happy, Amanda! Definitely love your blog's theme, and I'm excited to get to know more about you and Stacie.

    1. I think that's why moving and changing blogs was much easier for us, I think we both would have felt a little.. possessive over our own blogs, we as this is to share. It is nicer having co-bloggers though. Good luck with Defiance, it's a great book, so underrated, and thank you, I'm glad you like the look Aimee :)

  10. Having co-reviewers can sure be daunting! Like you, I reached a place where I couldn't hold down my blog on my own. I didn't have the time, and I didn't want the blog to slowly become inactive. I wanted to continue to have as many posts as possible, and like you, I started thinking of having a co-blogger. I moved blogs to The Book Babe's reads (we chose that only one of us will move, instead of opening a new blog like you guys did), and a funny thing happened... Life got in HER way, and she's been inactive for a while now. I'm waiting for her to return, or to decide outright that she isn't going to. Not sure what will happen if the second happens...

    Anyway, I think you're in good hands with Stacie! Hopefully, this blog will really allow you to relax and focus on your job hunting, and be less stressed about what's happening here :)

    I think I would probably chose Dark Star? I dunno, it looks really cool. As for underrated books you should try - The Timber Wolves trilogy by Tammy Blackwell is HIGH on that list! It's my favorite shifter YA series :)

    1. I'm sure you'll think of something Nitzan, even it was post every so often, I'm sure things would be more than fine, it's equally your blog, take the reins and do as you please, be creative and creative a new space, feel how you want it to feel. Stacie is a lovely person to work with - she may have been MIA this week, but she's there and it's wonderful. Dark Star is a great debut novel, and a great series, so good luck! :)

  11. I would pick Angelfall (or better said World After or End of Days since I already own first book in this series).

    Anyway, all the best with BBB, hope you ladies will have a blast co-blogging together :)

    1. Angelfall was such a good read right Lucia? I just received World After recently and can't wait to read it myself. Thank you, I'm hoping it's a blast too :)

  12. I'd love to win Defiance! :) Thank you for the chance and congratulations on your grand opening!

  13. I'd love to win Defiance, I've been meaning to read it since it came out what seems like a gazillion years ago.

    Good luck with BBB! :)

  14. I love blogs that has two bloggers on it. It has so much more to offer. Like how the saying goes.. Two heads are better than one. Lol! ♥

    I would love to have ANGELFALL and really wishing I'll won! :)

    Good luck ladies ♥

    1. I'm so pleased you're excited Nyze! Angelfall was great, good luck! :)

  15. Angelfall!

    I recommend you Of Metal and Wishes by Sarah Fine and Boys Don't Knit by T.S Easton

    1. Good luck Michelle! I've heard of Boys Don't Knit, I'll check it out :)

  16. I would pick Defiance!! I've heard some really great things about this series :)

    My recommendation is Heart Shaped Rock by Laura Roppe. It's not very often that an indie book wows me.

    1. It's definitely a good read Courtney, and thank you for your recommendation :)

  17. Thanks for the giveaway! I'd pick Dare Me.

    I'd recommend Spark of Light by Elizabeth Tuttle as an underrated read of 2014!

    1. Great choice Jillyn! Thank you for letting me know about Spark! :)

  18. That's a really good decision, good luck with BBB! I'd choose Angelfall by Susan Ee. Thank you for the giveaway :)

    1. Thanks Kristia, Angelfall is a great choice of book, good luck!

  19. I'm so happy for you guys and that you finally get to go live and show everyone. With all the trouble I've been having blogging lately, I can easily say I am jealous of you and your coblogging team. You're going to do great!!! :)

    1. It's not been so much easier right now with circumstances, but we're pulling together and that's always handy. Thanks Charnell, it means a lot :)

  20. Maybe Thirteen since it's the only one I hadn't heard of!

    1. Thirteen is a fabulous read, good luck Angie!

  21. Defenitely Defiance I wouls choose! I don't believe in underated books but some of them surprised me when I didn't expect it! Like "Throne of Glass"

    1. Throne of Glass surprised a lot of people. Good luck Alexandra!

  22. I'd love to win Angelfall. Thank you! :)

    1. You're welcome Julie, Angelfall really blew me away! :)

  23. Thanks for the giveaway! I'd pick Dare Me.
    Id recommend you INK by Amanda sun

    1. Dare Me was a brilliant read, good luck Oriana and thank you for the rec!

  24. Angelfall has been on my TBR list for ages! I saw an amazin review of it on youtube and have wanted to read it ever since!
    A book I think is underrated and more people should read is The Universe vs. Alex Woods, it was given to me by a friend and I loved it but I've never heard or read anything about it!

    1. It's definitely one I avoided for a long time myself, it's worth the wait though! I've heard of TUvsAW but never really been tempted, I'll have to check it out though, research a little, thanks Carla, and good luck!

  25. Defiance! I've been dying to read it for such a long time!!! I would recommend the Monument 14 trilogy by Emmy Laybourne. Super fast reads, action packed, and fun reads! :D

    1. I think it's worth the wait, good luck Brianna! I own Monument 14, so I'll get on that!

  26. Thanks for this giveaway! I would pick Defiance because I have been wanting to read it for AGES and people keep telling me to read it and I still haven't! I would recommend ANY Tillie Cole book from 2014 (and previous ones too), because they are all incredible and don't get nearly enough attention from the bookish world!

    1. Defiance is a very good read, I like it a lot, good luck! Thank you for the rec too!x

  27. I'd choose Angelfall definitely.
    I really didn't like the sequel to Thirteen - Spiders - but then that is probably because I didn't know it was a sequel when I started it and so I was totally confused!

    1. Ahh yes, Spider's doesn't read well without reading Thirteen first, it's not hugely vital, just helpful I'd say, they should clearly be labeled as sequels in my opinion, but good luck Charlotte!

  28. Hi. I'd probably choose Angelfall as well. Thanks:)

  29. angelfall would be an awesome read

  30. Congrats on starting co-blogging!
    I'd love to read Angelfall. As for other underrated reads, if you're looking for something dystopian/post-apocalyptic, I'd recommend For Darkness Shows the Stars or What's Left of Me. If you're looking for something contemporary, both Don't Breathe a Word and Goodbye, Rebel Blue are also really good.

  31. I would probably pick Angelfall! One book that I read in high school that I think is underrated is The Twin's Daughter. I haven't read it in quite a few years now, but I know I was sucked in immediately and loved it to the very end. Thank you!

  32. I would choose either Angelfall or Dark Star both have been on my want to read list:) I thought The Name of the Blade by Zoe Marriott and Patricia Brigg's Masques, Wolfsbane books were underrated.


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