Saturday 24 May 2014

Bookish Musings - Why Libraries Are My Second Home

Bookish Musings is a feature here at Beautiful Bookish Butterflies that allows one of us to share our thoughts and opinions, talk and discuss things happening in the book and blogging community or share a personal book related issue we have. Today, Amanda is sharing her thoughts and love for libraries in a chock full post of advantages to, well, free books, everywhere! Don't utilise this fantastic feature, shame on you..

It's no surprise to anyone that this year, I've been borrowing more and more books from my local libraries, in fact, they've become a staple section in my monthly recap/haul posts, not to mention I've come across some of my most surprising and entertaining reads from the libraries like the Skulduggery series, Curse Workers Trilogy, Cinder and No and Me, so my experiences have been quite positive, but I haven't always been a library user, in fact, I went off the library radar entirely for around 11 years until this year, and picking the habit back up was possibly one of the best things I've done all year. My libraries are fantastic.

I'm blessed with some absolutely beautiful libraries in my borough, the ones I most frequently visit are the Wallasey Central and Birkenhead Central, and not only are they beautiful, they have the best collection of books combined that I've seen around, allowing me to try books that I've been considering for months without breaking my bank balance and making me feel less guilty if I don't enjoy them. There's something really magical about wandering through a library and seeing the huge range of different worlds and characters available to you at the drop of a hat, and it's even more exciting when you find books you never thought you'd take an interest in next to one's you've read and loved, it's exciting, it's thrilling, it's wonderful and it's free, and I don't think enough people take advantage of this lovely community edition enough. It's all good spending money on books and supporting your local book stores, but it's not just book stores that are struggling in the current climate, it's the libraries too, if not more than book stores. Whole buildings that stand strong in the community, with important historical documents and archives lie unused and abandoned by the current generation in favour of digital books, and I'm not slashing digital books, they're a great step forward into the future, but there's a world of free books available to everyone and they just get forgotten about. Because of this, I plan to change your opinions on libraries.

You see, if you can tell me what is more exciting than lots of free books, than I'll let you off the hook, but that's the thing, there isn't much better than a free book, (unless it comes with free comes of tea and bacon butties, then you get the gold) so why isn't this fabulous edition to society used more? Free books people, LOTS OF FREE BOOKS, utilise this feature! Now don't get all up in my face and shout at me about you libraries not having a good range of books because if you travel just that little further out, you may come across one you never knew existed, not to mention, especially where I live, some discount book stores will let you trade books or buy books and then return them and get half your money book, come on people, these are some great opportunities that are available to you and you should use them more.

Have I forgotten to mention how utterly fantastic it is when a library gets in that book you've been wanting to read for absolutely forever. You know, that one book that everyone else has read and told you you'll love, but your bank balance is as bare as the Sahara desert and you've had to impatiently wait and you get the text that it's finally there. IT'S SO EXCITING YOU WOULDN'T BELIEVE. It's even more exciting than forgetting you've pre-ordered a book and getting a gift from past you because it's absolutely free. All that waiting and praying and avoiding spoilers was all worth it because you get to enjoy the wonderful experience of reading the book with no pain to your bank balance. It's an irreplaceable feeling.

How about the feeling you get when you've bought a book that you thought you would utterly devour and love every moment off and it just sucked, you know that feeling. With libraries, it doesn't exist. You just read the book, and if you didn't like it, no problem, no money down the drain, no wasted pennies on paper not worth the time it took to print on, no problem, just take it back, forget about it, because if you can't see if staring at you from your bookshelf, it didn't happen, am I right? I've had this feeling a few times, and as soon as it's left my flat, I've completely forgotten about how much that book annoyed me or how much it disappointed me. Not to mention that libraries are the perfect opportunity to give an author another go; not like that one book by that one author, try a different one by them, it might not be the author but the genre of the writing style, and you'd be surprised how often that second chance is a good chance. I might not have finished Prince of Shadows, but has it stopped me considering The Morganville Vampires series? No it has not.

I'd say the last and best thing about libraries is the sense of not feeling like an outsider. Other than my Mum, I don't really know else who reads that I don't know online and it can sometimes make me feel like a bit of a weirdo, but when I'm in the library, looking for the next book I want to take out and read, stopping to whisper (because it's rude to talk loudly in the libraries, library-etiquette tip for you there) to other people about what books they'd recommend for whether they've read read the book you're considering is wonderful, and it doesn't matter what age they are. I've had 10 year olds and 20 year olds come up to me and tell me that they've loved a book and that I should try it and I've gone ahead and loved it. It's always lovely to feel like you're part of a community, and even if that community isn't as popular or well known as maybe partying on the weekends or watching football, it makes me feel special and a part of something quite wonderful. All the happy emotions people.

(Today's gif choices were made especially for Maricel and Selah. Hope you enjoyed them ladies.)

How do you feel about libraries? Do you use your local places or do you tend to avoid them and stick with buying your books? Do you think we should use them more often and do you think more of them should move further into the future and allow digital borrowing similar to that in other parts of the world? Do you think David Tennant is attractive? Leave me your thoughts in the comments below.


  1. Libraries are my LIFE. Well, they were until the last few months, actually, because I didn't get review-copies and I'm broke. sooo. Libraries are an invaluable resource. :) Now that I get review-copies, though, I don't read so much from the library. I PREFER libraries though, because I don't feel beholden to review a book, and I try so any random genres. Physical over ebook for me, too. I find I enjoy physical books, while I'm more prone to mentally edit if I read an ebook. I KNOW IT'S BAD. I'm trying to stop!
    I go to the library at least once a week...just got Cruel Beauty, actually, and sooo excited. ^_^

    1. There such a big thing and such a great thing, I don't know why people don't use them more, it seems mental to me! I'm so glad you're a fellow library user those Cait, it's brilliant. I've heard some good things on that book, but do be careful, some people said the writing was a little too good for the plot, but that's pretty good, for a library to have that in so soon, good on them! :)

  2. I dropped off the book radar for a few years at uni and only recently got into it again. I instantly went to buying books through discount stores and sites because they had great deals, but I have to admit a lot of the time I have "the fear". The fear that I'll hate it, or it'll be a let down, or that I won't finish it and it'll be a waste of money. Because I buy quite cheaply and flesh out ALL the deals I don't feel too bad, but still, I could do with some free books... I used to love my school library, so I guess it's just getting back into the habit. I do use the app for downloading library books (I was surprised at some of the books my library had to offer!) but I don't use it as much as I should... I have quite a TBR pile to get through, but I think you've convinced me to give the library a go. I've no excuse really, I practically drive past it every day to get to work! When my schedule settles I'm going to make some time for the local library, and I'll let them know they have you to thank :)

    1. I think that's all it is sometimes, getting back into the habit and being able to let books go, even when you've loved them. I recently read Cinder and didn't want to give it back, but I know I'll buy my own copies one day, so it's not too bad. I look forward to seeing what books you get and how you like them, and I'm glad that you're going to give them a shot :)

  3. Amazing post! It's funny because I just published a post about libraries as well! I recently got back into borrowing books from the library, and aside from the book not being yours and having a due date motivating you, it's spectacular to have this opportunity. Thanks for convincing me even more to go and get MORE books borrowed! :)

    1. I'm going to have to check out your post all about them too then aren't I? Bless us both! There's always more books to get, and we should go and get them all :D

  4. I absolutely agree with your post. I have been using my local library for a long as I can remember and I think they should be more popular than they are. Cause what's better than a free book to read? I do occasionally purchase books myself and when it turns out that I didn't like the book I just feel so upset. I could have used that money to buy another book that I probably would have enjoyed better. With libraries, if I didn't like a book it's ok. Just return it and get onto the next one :)

    1. That's how I feel a lot of the time Monica, that's why I use my libraries for the books that I want to try but I'm nervous of disliking, it's like, a different feeling when it's not mine and hasn't cost me, and if I can do that, I might as well, right? I don't think there's much better than a library to be honest and I love mine! :)

  5. Love love love libraries. I spend a few hours in there without even realising. And my school library is just as awesome - they always have new YA books in! Great post :)

    1. I can spend hours there too, but Mum is always 'it's too hot, hurry up, we're leaving' and I'm like 'noooo, the books!' It's a bad habit! I wish I'd used my school library more when I was there, they had such a good range and I kick past Amanda for that silly mistake. Better late then never though ;)

  6. I've been going to the library once a week for as long as I can remember. For the past 5 years I've been going on Wednesday mornings because that's when Story Hour is (I have 2 kids). I'm not sure how UK libraries work, but in the US I can request a book from another library and it will be delivered to my local branch. LOVE that! I also LOVE the gifs!!!

    1. In the UK, libraries aren't open on Wednesday and Sunday, and with my branches, I can request a book and have it sent to a library of my choice, but it costs me a little and I haven't used that yet, but I do plan to, there's some just out of the way that I really want to get hold of and it'll be worth it I reckon, cheaper than buying it anyway! :) So glad you liked the gifs ;)

  7. Ditto what Selah said about the libraries in the IS offering free order/delivery service. Without that option, I wouldn't be such a rabid fan of them. Funny thing - I used to think I NEEDED to own the books I loved but limited finances, limited real estate on my bookshelves, and limited time changed all that. Nowadays, I enjoy going to my local, grabbing my 15-20 books at a time (they've since given me free totes to carry my loot; they laugh at me, those librarians!) and reveling in my free hoard that replenishes itself every three weeks. :D

    David Tennant is fnsjkcfsfAshivk and THANK YOU for the gifs! Fangirl squeeeeee!

    1. I always take out too many books, I currently have a stack of 5 which is much much better, but it was 9 the other week, eek!
      You're more than welcome about the gifs hunny, they were chosen for you so I'm glad you liked them :)

  8. Great post. Horrible thought that libraries will die out eventually, I so hope they will live on, in whatever form. I think they could be coupled with cafes (i.e. Starbucks). My local library opens late one day and Saturdays as well. The library near my workplace in Central London is horrible though… smells awful and quite often the local aehmm … homeless populations goes in to warm up in there I think.
    On a totally unrelated matter, sorry, David Tennant does not do it for me :)

    1. I agree, something could be done that would encourage them to morph with other places, I know bookshops have started it, but for people who don't like coffee and such, it could be a turn off, which I guess is why they haven't. I'd love to open a library cafe, I think that would be lovely, but of course, moneys aren't there! :)

  9. Thank you, thank you, thank you for that post (and for coupling it with David Tennant pics ^^) ! I'm a librarian and god knows we don't often get praise and see our hard work recognized ! We absolutely love it when somebody borrows a book we've chosen to buy for the library, we're all excited and tell all our workmates. It feels like we're personally sharing something and it feels good. But somehow, the hierarchy (those who work in central offices, not libraries) want us to give the library "more space" : that means less books, more computers, more light, well, less books. We have less and less budget, less and less staff, they should turn us into cybercoffee shops. For example, my library is having a makeover done this summer but before we closed, we were told to take 1 500 novels off our shelves. They were to be destroyed but we fought so that at least, these books can be given to other libraries and benefit readers. So, that's why your post warmed my heart, thanks :)

    1. I really think more notice has to be made! I'm so sorry that they wanted you to get rid of so many books Red, that's awful! I'm so glad you liked this post, it was wonderful to write and really made me feel good to get the message out to people, so you're welcome hunny :)

  10. I love this post. A)because I love (and work in!) libraries, too, and love to see them appreciated! and B) because i also love David Tennant. :D Best. Doctor. EVER.

    1. Aww thank you! I'm glad you liked this post, it's great to get the message out! :)

  11. I don't actually go to my library often, which is really sad. But every once in a while I will stop by for the sales, or when I need some plave quiet to read. I did just pick up two books there this week! Anyways, awesome post and GIFs!


    1. Ooo, that's great Lisa, what books did you pick up? :) I'm glad you liked the post!

  12. I love this post and all the love for libraries! I adore working in one but wish more people used it for books and not just to use our computers and to get in out the cold. We have so much on offer and I wish more people would come in and realise that. Libraries are amazing and they offer so much for free. I end up taking so many books home each week that I wouldn't try if I had to buy them. My library is open 9am-8pm every weekday and 9am-4pm every Saturday and we're always busy and I love being able to talk books with people, it's so much fun. I love recommending books and especially love reading our Teenage Reading Group :) I love the gifs as well <3 Great post, as always ;)

    1. I'd love to work in a library, but none of my locals are taking anyone which is a shame. It's a shame they're used as a building rather a wonderful place to make use of and getting the message out was hugely important to me this week! Thank you! :)

  13. Libraries are absolutely wonderful! The only downside is you have to give the books BACK!

    1. I cannot agree with you more Julie! The amount of times I've wanted to keep one, damn.

  14. Libraries are amazing. I just wish the ones around here had more manga. That aside, I usually go to the library twice a week--Monday and Wednesday--since those are the days that they replenish the selection in the book sale room. It's wonderful to be able to purchase books at the library, since the money earned goes to purchase more books to be put out to be checked out. I don't check out as much nowadays as I used to, since I have so many at home that I need to read, but I do still occasionally pick up books/mangas from the library. I always look around, when I am there, since I love being around so many books.

    When I was visiting my honey in Spokane a few years ago, I was amazed to find out that they have 10 libraries. I only got to visit 3 of them during my 2-month stay, but I loved them. When I go back up to visit again, I really want to visit them all.

    1. I agree, there's one library I got to that does sell them, not hugely fantastic ones, but at a good price too, and if there's any that take my interest, then I will buy them because it's great to give back I think. I thin 10 libraries would be too much for me, I'd never leave them, which would not be good at all! So glad you enjoyed this post though Holly! :)


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