Bookish Musings is a feature here at Beautiful Bookish Butterflies that allows one of us to share our thoughts and opinions, talk and discuss things happening in the book and blogging community or share a personal book related issue we have. Today, Stacie is talking about some reading goals she's set herself, what books she would like to get around to and why
So this year I've set myself a few 'goals' you could say. This year I'm going to try and read more books out of my comfort zone, when I a teenager I used to read a lot of 'adult' books and even though YA will always have a big hold on my heart, I think its time that I mixed it up a bit. Lately I've been finding it harder and harder to find a YA book that is different and doesn't seem recycled (If you know of any you think I would like then don't hesitate to comment with a few or a long list, I'm partial to a big list haha)
Along with wanting to read more of a variety, I want to finish series that I started and have forgotten about ( I've joined a challenge to do with series so hoping I can finish it). I've got this thing where I like to read a series all in a go because I don't like waiting for the next one to come out, but obviously there are some that have slipped through the gaps fro my younger years or even in the last few years.
Last goal would be to just read more, and have fun doing it. It became something of a chore last year but well.. last year was chore in itself haha.
Here's a list of the books that I want to read this year, I'm going to go with the flow for the rest but these I would like to finish. ( I'd also like to read some classic's. But I'm not sure if I will.)

1.The Fellowship of the Ring (The Lord of the Rings #1)
2.The Two Towers (The Lord of the Rings #2)
3.The Return of the King (The Lord of the Rings #3)
4.The Hobbit (Middle-Earth Universe)
2.The Two Towers (The Lord of the Rings #2)
3.The Return of the King (The Lord of the Rings #3)
4.The Hobbit (Middle-Earth Universe)
I can not begin to describe how much I love The Lord f the Rings , they are some of my favourite and as a reader, I am ashamed to say that I have yet to read these book. I've wanted to read them for a long time, but this year I'm going to make it my number one goal to read them. So here's hoping at the end of the year I've at least managed 3 of them haha

There isn't much that I can say about Game of Thrones that hasn't already been said. That show is just in a another league to others and I HAVE! to read them. I've read number one, and most of two, but because I've seen every season so far, I already know what's going to happen in the first 3 books. And even though its still a good book, with the amount I read I find I know the ending to the story before I'm even half way through, so to keep me focused on a book it really has to be unpredictable. So what I'm trying to say is I've found it really hard to get through the first 2 because of knowing whats already happened, but at the same time I'm not sure if I will read them before the show is finished or not. Me and my partner watch it together, and its nice being shocked with him and not knowing whats around the corner. So my mind isn't 100% made up yet about reading it this year haha.

So when I was younger me and my best friend at the time used to spend hours in a book store, and for weeks we saw Eragon on show at the front of the store. It had a sleeve for the movie around it and we both thought that it would be a good film as we were both heavily into fantasy movies. Anyway I deiced to get it before the film came out and I loved it, it became one of my favorites ( we do not speak of the shambolic movie!). I found it hard to get through the 2nd on because I was in college, and for some reason I never got around to reading Brisingr. So this year I am going to re-read them and finish the series. I loved them once and I'm sure I still :).
Is there any books that you've been meaning to read but put of for one reason or another? :)
I'm so impressed you've read any of the Game of Thrones books. I've watched the show (excellent!) but the books are just so LONG and so many people die that I feel like I'll just want to kill myself by the end of the first book!
ReplyDeleteIf you haven't read any of the Tolkien books yet, I'd suggest starting with The Hobbit. LotR is, of course, an amazing read - but particularly the second book can be a bit of a slog as it's kind of a downer. The Hobbit I found to be a lot more fun to read because the stakes aren't as high and the lows aren't as low, if you know what I mean. I'm planning to re-read it myself in the near future! Can't wait to hear what you think.
Good luck with your reading plans!
It took me a while but like I said in the post, I found it so hard to stay focused on the books no matter how good they were, because obviously they were amazing, its just I didn't know they were a book series before the show started (I was a little out of the book scene while my daughter was younger) or I would have picked the books up first. I'm determined to read them though, its just a question of when really.
Deleteoh god, don't even talk about the show. Just watched the trailer for season 4 the other day and I had to stop from peeing myself in excitement hahah. Death is sadly a part of these books/show. I cry for hours when a new character is killed in the show but I also think that's one of the best things about George R.R Martin, he is so unpredictable and doesn't really conform to what is expected of him if you know what I mean. (although, I'm sure I'm not the only one that could do with less incest LOL)
Can not wait to read LotR. Its been on my TBR for what feels like ever.
I know what you mean, from what I've seen of the movies it is a bit more fun and less serious. :)
Haha thank you :)