Sunday 15 March 2015

Weekly Recap | 9-14 Mar. 2015

Welcome to Beautiful Bookish Butterflies Weekly Recap. Once a week, Stacie and Amanda take the time to talk about the weeks goings on, both on the blog and in our lives elsewhere, any new books we may have received and want to mention and what's interested is within the blogging community. Stacie and Amanda link up this recap with Caffeinated Book Reviewers Sunday Post and occasionally Tynga Reviews' Stacking the Shelves.

Take Our Survey!

On Wednesday, we asked you to take part in our Blog Survey, and since our emails aren't always going out until a few days later, or sometimes getting lost, we know a lot of you didn't get the memo, so if you could take a few minutes out of your day and either follow the link to our post, or the direct link to the survey here and leave us some feedback, we would absolutely love it (and hand out free invisible cookies in the post). Getting feedback from you will help us be a better blog, and the feedback we've had already has sprouted a few new ideas, so do get involved. Thank you!

More Great Things!

Some of our more beady eyed visitors may have noticed a new area in our sidebar, but for those that haven't, we've decided to create a section dedicated to our blog features, especially those that you can get involved in. Five Friday Favourites, as you know, is a monthly feature, but there's been a few people mention that they don't always know what the next subject is, so that will from now on always be available with the date our post goes live, so you'll always be in the know.

We've also introduced the idea of opening up Who Wore It Better to guest posters! We'll be looking for people interested in having their say on covers from any standalone of choice that has a minimum of five covers to feature, and we'll be looking for at least one guest a month. We'll have more information and a place for you sign-up and get involved with very soon, so keep your eyes peeled for that!

Oh, and Happy Mother's Day for all our UK Mummy's out there!

What You May Have Missed:

- Book Review: Love Bomb by Jenny Mclachlan
- Book Review: The Duff by Kody Keplinger
- Best of Beautiful Bookish Butterflies Survey!
- Book Review: House of Hades by Rick Riordan
- Book Review: The Winner's Crime by Marie Rutkoski
- Bookish Musings: Why Reading Challenges Can Be Good For You
- Book Review: Article 5 by Kristen Simmons

Our Lives This Week:


This week has been rather boring. Glenn has been sick so he's been at home, which was strange because I got to so used to him not being around during the day, so it took some getting used to. Other than Glenn being at home, I've just been doing things at school with Caitlyn and taking her to try out a new after school dance class. The mum of a girl in her class was talking about the one she takes her too, and I mentioned about wanting to start Caitlyn in something like that because of how much she loves performing and we went with her; she seemed to really really enjoy it, so after I find out all the details, it might be a regular thing :)

When it comes to books this week, I've been a bit naughty. Not only have a requested more books than I can actually read but I've bought more, (they were all really cheap though so not bad.) This week I only managed to finish two books, Geek Girl: Model Misfit and Flirty Dancing, but there were both such fun and fluffy books that I feel like I'm over my slump now, which is a really good thing. At the moment, I'm trying to do two things, first to stop requesting so many books and just leave it to the ones I really, really want to read and second, I'm trying to read at least 2 eARCs/review copies a week and then balance that with books I just want to read, so that way I don't end up being so stressed about getting them done on time. This is working well so far but it's early days..


It's been a little, quiet on the personal life front lately. After looking back on last week and when my head was everywhere, it's nice to just be a little more me again. I've been playing an unbelievable amount of board games with Mum the last few weeks (and actually winning, low and behold!) and also just not reading a lot, which has been, different. Granted, I'm now worried over the books I do have to read, especially when you pair it with a lot less reading having happened lately, but, you can't win them all, can you?

Just some of what's been happening on Instagram.

Talking books, this week has been continuously positive, and I'm also starting getting back on top of my review copies after having spent a lot of time doing non-bookish things. Half Wild was a fantastic sequel to Half Bad which I reviewed last week, as was Burn Bright, which is a whole other kettle of fish seeing as the final book is so damn hard to get hold of, but I will do what I can none the less. I also started We Are All Made of Molecules by Susin Neilson last night which is, so far, pretty good. On the whole, it's not been a bad week, or month actually. I've read a lot less than the past two months at this point, but all of the books have been really good, so, that's new.. I've got plans to read a few more review reads before I start getting ahead for Month of Series really soon, which is also pretty exciting; I've got some popular series and sequels I can't wait to read, and if you're still considering getting involved, do.

What We Liked This Week:

- Brittany explained why we need to cut ourselves some slack
- Allie talked about 5 star ratings and different reasons for them
- Nereyda said: it's okay to like books other's dislike!
- Steph talked about collaboration blogs and co-bloggers
- Kelley talked books and cats and why they are fabulous
- Cait said: these authors need to co-write books, and soon!
- Iris talked about why you should never apologise for liking a book
- Danielle talked about rating your reads
- Jon talked about Andrew Smith, sexism and personal attacks
- Jasprit and Rachel celebrated 3 years blogging, with a giveaway!
- Aimee talked being a slow reader
- Debby explained why she reads for characters
- Topaz wrote the most beautiful and gorgeous posts in the world
- Sandra talked the difference between likable and relatable

Tell Us What's Been Happening in Your Week!


  1. I couldn't resist that survey. Those things are the way to my heart (weirdly enough LOL)

    YAY for getting (hopefully??) out of your slump, Stacie! I'm in one myself right now and the only thing I've been reading are my uni prescribed texts :(((

    I'm glad this week has been better for you Amanda! Hopefully it continues that way! You're now my inspiration for getting on top of my review copies. I've let a lot of things pile up and it's been quite a hectic start to the year. I'm bound to fall into a sustainable rhythm soon, right?

    Have a lovely week, you two! <3

    1. I love surveys too, we can be weird together!
      It's funny actually, I didn't read that many review copies.. I have a busy April ahead of me, but I'm excited for it now, it should be pretty fun to read them all. Find your comfort, not a rhythm! <3

  2. Glad to hear you loved Half Wild Amanda, because I know you really loved the first book! Board games are so much fun!

    I totally know what you mean about the requesting stress Stacie. These days I don't request many books unless I REALLY want to read them, because it all gets a bit too much and your TBR pile only grows and grows.

    Happy reading ladies and I hope you have a fab week!

    1. Thanks Jeann! The Half Life Trilogy is so good, and I can't wait for the finale, Half Lost, thank you! :)

  3. I've been a good girl and stayed away from requesting any new books. I plan to review all of my current requests before getting any more. That's my plan anyway! LOL

    My Sunday Post -

  4. YAY SURVEY. I shall go do that directly. (Can't believe I missed it! Although....I've had a terrifically bad slack week with blog reading. Sadness. >.>) Ooh, I'm SO glad you loved Half Wild, Amanda! That makes me rest easy. heeh. it's like on of my top anticipated books for this year! YAY.

    1. Thanks Cait, love me some surveys personally! I've been slacking at visiting and such, and commenting, but I'm making much more effort now, I need to, people deserve it! Half Wild, I hope you love it Cait, really, I do! :)


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