Welcome to Beautiful Bookish Butterflies Weekly Recap. Once a week, Stacie and Amanda take the time to talk about the weeks goings on, both on the blog and in our lives elsewhere, any new books we may have received and want to mention and what's interested is within the blogging community. Stacie and Amanda link up this recap with Caffeinated Book Reviewers Sunday Post and occasionally Tynga Reviews' Stacking the Shelves.
Quick Spotlight!
We've been a little busy this week and Amanda's had a weird one, so there's a smaller than usual link collection.
She would apologise and feel bad for letting you down, but she isn't sorry and doesn't feel bad. Life is life.
What You May Have Missed:
- Book Review: Half Bad by Sally Green
- Book Review: Apple and Rain by Sarah Crossan
- The Taylor Swift Book Tag!
- Bookish Musings: #UKYA: My Past, Present and Future
- Who Wore It Better: Requiem
- Personal Pickings: She's Not A Baby Anymore..
- Book Review: Mind Games
- Month of Series Sign-Ups!
- Book Review: Cruel Summer by James Dawson
Our Lives This Week:
So as you may or may not now, this week my not so little girl turned 5, so I've been running all over the place making sure I got her presents and going to see family so they can celebrate with her. As Glenn and I have such a big family together, we always have to split it on birthdays, one day we spend it at his parents and the next at mine. It's the same with Christmas or any other occasion, and sometimes that can be annoying but I can imagine for a 5 year old it's okay, as it's pretty much been her birthday celebration all weekend with two lots of cake and many presents haha. To say she's been spoilt is a bit of understatement, but at least she finally has the Elsa and Anna ice skating dolls that she wanted :) That was my life outside of reading and blogging.
You know what I hate in life? Those weeks were you think 'it's okay, I'm just a bad place, it'll blow over' and instead of blowing over, it feels as though a hurricane of information, emotion and general confusion just crashes into you and you have no idea how to deal and process with it all. This week has been like that, a hurricane of immense proportions turning everything 180 degrees and on it's head, emotionally, mentally, physically, it literally feels as though everything's changed, and I'm really not sure how I feel about it all. I guess, maybe some changes are good.. change is good so we're led to believe, so, I think some of them might do me well. Others? I'm still dealing with and think I'll still be dealing with for quite some time. All I know is that, important parts of life are beginning to overlap and mix together, and I always thought I'd be okay with that, now, I'm not so sure. If I'm a little away with the fairies lately, then at least you know there's a reason.

Just some of what's been happening on Instagram.
Book wise, things are looking solidly okay. I really should have and could have read more this week, but, things happened and I didn't, and that's life, but those I did read were positively brilliant. Flesh and Blood and Crown of Midnight were really great reads, and all were worth the wait to read. I also watched Big Hero 6 not once, but twice thanks to Charnell's review, and I second everything she said, the feels, the visuals, everything was fabulous; I'll be reviewing it for sure. I'm making a point of reading some books relating to series for our Month of Series next month, so I have some good reviews to come, and there's quite a few exciting sequels I'm looking forward to. Hopefully, next week is much better on all fronts.
What We Liked This Week:
- Amanda talked comments and spam
- Jeann asked: how do you cope with slow books?
- Cait explored how she reviews books
- Asti and Kelley announced: Bookish Games: The Grisha Edition!
- Cait talked 10 different types of writer (and I'm definitely one of them!)
Happy birthday to your daughter Stacie, it sounds like she was spoilt and you had a really busy weekend! At least you got to eat cake too. I really enjoyed Pawn, so I hope you enjoy it too!
ReplyDeleteAmanda, sounds like you've had it rough lately. I hope you're taking the time out to relax when you can. Glad you got some great reads this week!
I definitely did take the time to relax, it was nice, thanks Jeann, and the reads were good too! :)
DeleteAAAh happy birthday to your daughter Stacie!
ReplyDeleteAmanda. We need to hug right now. Sounds like life is crazy right now and I feel you. I've had the shittest week so far and yeah, not helping all the other stress. We need hugs, good food and to watch a good movie. Take care, my love!
It was just such a difficult month the start with, I felt so out of sync, but hugs are nice, thanks Jess! I hope things got better for you too Jess, I miss you and your rambles!<3
DeleteHappy birthday to your daughter :D I'm sorry to hear that Amanda *hug*
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday to your daughter, Stacie. Birthdays with little ones are so fun.
ReplyDeleteSorry that things are overwhelming you, Amanda. Try treating yourself to something special. Even just a day away from the usual, like a walk or a drive might help:)
My Sunday Post - http://fuonlyknew.com/2015/03/08/whats-new-on-my-bookshelf-100-and-the-sunday-post/
The month did look up thankfully with plenty of treats, so that was nice, thanks Laura! :)
DeleteGreat haul! What's Left of Me was an okay book but it reminded me of the Host a bit. Pawn is super awesome though! I hope you enjoy your books.
ReplyDeleteKrystianna @ Downright Dystopian
Happy birthday to your daughter!
ReplyDelete*Hugs* Amanda, I am so sorry you've been having such a terrible week. You can always drop me an email if you ever need to talk, you've helped me through a lot of my terrible times.
I know, thanks Charnell, I was definitely everywhere at that point which sucked, but things are looking up, and we definitely need to talk more, I miss you!<3