Saturday 28 June 2014

Personal Pickings - What I Watch and What I Play

Personal Pickings is a feature here at Beautiful Bookish Butterflies that allows one of us to approach subject personal to us that has no link or connection to our bookish endeavors. Today, Amanda is talking about some of the other things she does when she's not slaving away reading. She does other things? Blasphemy!

It's very rare that I post anything other than book related news, reviews, memes and so on, but today, I thought I'd shake things up and have a little discussion about two other things in my life, the television I watch and the games I play. That's right, I'm not all about books all of the time, that would be way to draining even for me, so today is going to be a discussion on the shows I watch and the two game series I always turn back to when I need a break away from reading.

British Based Television Shows

Up To: Series 3

I didn't really plan on rating the shows when I started this post, but hey, why not, I'm a critic. I admit, I never actually watched the first series when everyone else did, I was a late bloomer and I found my way into the show just before the second series aired in preparation and lets just say, it's not easy being in a fandom that's literally had 13.5 hours worth of material over the last, pfft, what, five years? It's really not, you become obsessive, addicted and you re-watch all the episodes you've got on DVD in order to keep the series alive because god knows when we're getting the next. The only reason I didn't give Sherlock the full 5 stars is because of The Blind Banker; it was the weakest of all the episodes, I didn't like the plot whatsoever and if it wasn't included in the collection, I probably wouldn't miss it in the slightest.

Doctor Who
Up To: Series 7

I very much have a love hate relationship with Doctor Who. I remember watching the first episode of 'New Who', Rose and being absolutely scared out of my skin, I literally couldn't go shopping with my Mum for weeks, but as the show has gone and the series have followed, I can't help but feel it's taken quite a nose dive. The Doctor isn't a dark, broody character anymore, with a quirky sense of humour and the past of a murderer, he's turned into this, well, quite a mess and if the next series doesn't improve, I will sadly be ditching the show.

The Musketeers
Up To: Series 1

The Musketeers is quite a new show that started in January and while I was at first very skeptical over the show, the actors, the plot lines and so on, my mind was soon turned after 6 hours worth of the show in one day. The fact they are some very attractive men, the plot lines are fantastic, the characters are well developed and it's sent in France, come on.

American Based Television Shows

Up To: Series 2

There is a very high chance that people are going to hate me for this revelation, but I actually really like this show but not because it's extremely loosely based off of Sherlock but because it's entertaining. It covers a range of fantastic subjects and some of the cases are utterly fantastic and really surprising. I like the cast, I like the characters and I like that it's very loosely based off Sherlock Holmes, because it adds a depth to the storyline. I'm quite a fan of the show and I'll be damned if I ever stop watching it, I thoroughly enjoy it and I think others would to if they try it.

Up To: Series 3

Some of you will already be fully aware, but I love myself a bit of murder, hilarious characters and a slow burn romance and Castle is the perfect show for that. Best selling author helps crime term solve murders, while writing a book series on the leading detective, well, what's not to love. The plots are fantastic, some with the right amount of mystery, others are a little predictable, but mostly, it's the connection between Castle and Beckett that takes the crown for me. They so obviously care for one another but refuse to act, at least not at this point in the show. I know that in America, they're on something like the sixth series, but damn you England are so behind, don't spoil me anymore than I already have been. I'm so glad Castle returned a few months back, it was a welcomed return on my end and about time I had some handsome, intelligent males on my screen that were fully clothed, with a cracking sense of humour and touch for the dramatics.


I've already told you all that I like my fair share of murder and crime and CSI is probably the most perfect show for that. I mostly favour CSI: NY re-runs now that the show has finished; in fact, the only one still on is normal CSI and with Ted Danson now in lead role, I'm in love. I love the different plot lines every episode, I love that there's always a nice integration of the shows characters own plot lines and I adore how it's one of those shows you watch over and over and over again and not get bored of. I love it.


Much like I've already mentioned, I was brought up partially on comics and their characters, so naturally, as I grew up, I developed a thing for games involving comic heroes. I've played my fair share of games, Spiderman and Superman and other kick-ass games such as Bullet Witch and Alice in Wonderland, but my favourite will always be the Batman Arkham collection. I've completed all three games yet always continue to play them more and more and see if I can beat my previous record of completion. I am however very angry that their making a fourth that's only available on updated games consoles.

As a Potter fan, it was only right that I got everything I could that was fandom related and that concerned the Lego games. I've also completed these two as well and have played them numerous times over and over again. They are the games I turn to when I'm feeling nostalgic and miss the old childhood days. It's also pretty fun to watch them explode into lego pieces.

I think it's fair to say that I seriously don't have much of a life at all; I spend my days and nights reading, gaming and wasting my life away in front of the TV, but if I'm ever not reading or have a night of no reading, these are the things I'm most likely doing instead. What are the shows you like to watch? Do you watch any of the ones I've mentioned? Do you game, and if so, what games? What else do you do when you're not reading? Leave me your comments and answers down below and I hope you enjoyed this.


  1. The first new doctor was brilliant, but after Tennant it really lost it for me. Still watching it of course and hoping Capaldi brings it back. lol SHERLOCK! YES. SO MUCH YES.

    1. I'm going to give Capaldi a chance too, but if it doesn't work, then I'm ditched it forever, when Chris left, it wasn't good for me. But Sherlock, YES! So glad there's more fans :)

  2. The only one I have watched is all of Sherlock! LOVE SHERLOCK!!!!! <3 I used to obsessively watch CSI NY with my sister though, and I used to love that. Doctor Who is one I have only watched a few episodes of here and there, I want to get into it but wouldn't know where to begin. There are so many episodes, I don't know which series to start with haha. Kind of want to start with Tennant, I love him!

    My Xbox and Playstations are my babies! I have been tempted to post about what I watch and play when I am not blogging. But blogging has taken over a bit recently, haven't had time to play in AGES! I MISS IT! I loved Batman: Arkham Asylum, such a brilliant game.

    1. I love my consoles, they are my pride and joys, Xbox, Laptop, DS, love them all! :D

  3. Oh my gosh Batman Arkham Asylum was my GOTY when it came out, it was so good and I actually did my best in completing all the side quests and as many riddler trophies as I could. But the 3rd one wasn't as good as the first one sadly. Thanks for sharing lovely!

    1. I actually really liked the 2nd and 3rd most, I don't know, think it may have been the graphics that swayed me, and the movements and clarity, but I do like the first too, want to marathon play them now.. Thank you! :)

  4. I freaking LOVE Sherlock. I also came to the party late but it's fairly easy to catch up haha. I also really like CSI. They've been playing a lot of Miami re-runs so I've managed to watch every episode of the 10 seasons of that now haha. Once Upon A Time I keep wanting to give up on because like you said some of it is just not done well at all. Also, I find myself reeeeally hating Snow White. I only keep watching for one reason but I won't say because you're not up to it yet. I'm totally off to have a look at The Musketeers now. I hadn't heard of that one.

    1. So many people love Sherlock too, I think that's what makes that amazing! The Musketeers is out in the US now, it's airing apparently, so might be worth checking them out, if you can that is :)

  5. I love these posts, because I'm always on the hunt for a new TV show to watch. I love Sherlock, but was very late on the wagon (like: I watched all the episodes this year, haha) I want to get started in Doctor Who, just to see what everyone is raving about. The musketeers is high on my list. I've seen some episodes from Elementary, because my parents follow that show, and it looks promising. ONCE UPON A TIME. Yeah, the special effects aren't always spot on, but I just love the characters and the plot.

    LEGO GAMES <3 I really like the HP ones. I've finished them two times already, haha, and I replay them once in a while just because they are so much fun.

    1. Always reply Lego games, they're so good to do! Glad to see I'm putting some shows on the radar and that others are a fan too! :D

  6. Sherlooooock <3333 I love that show, haha. I also agree with you on Castle. I like the murder mysteries, but it's also just a fun show.

    And I love the Lego games! I played the HP one with a friend and it was so much fun :D

    1. Yay! Another Castle fan, I wasn't sure so many people enjoyed that show, but I'm glad they do! Sherlock is well loved indeed, but I can understand why, it's fantastic! HP in general is great though, right Celine ;)

  7. I never ever ever watched TV shows until this year. NOW I AM RUINED. I'm so badly addicted to Supernatural that. I. can't. even. function. anymore. *runs away screaming about wayward sons* And I'm on S8, which means soon I'll be all caught up and have to sit with the sobbing fandom making crazy gifs while I wait. Deep breaths, Cait, deep breaths. Although I WOULD like to try Sherlock. I love some witty British murders. Aaaand I want to try OUaT but I'm not sure if I might not be too critical?

    1. Never watched that, considered, but never have, don't know why.. Sherlock is a must watch show, for sure Cait! OUaT, the effects can be good and bad, and the plots a little holey, so if you can compute and bare with, give it a go! :)

  8. I am a big CSI geek! I can't get enough of it and I am also a huge fan of lego games they are just awesome :)


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